All of the partners have a common goal, which is to provide the individual the solutions they need in order to be self-sufficient, become re-employed, and have the ability to pay their financial obligations, and re-connect with their children and families.


It takes time and commitment. The KCCPTS partners provide solutions with a sense of compassion; no judgment. They are welcoming and develop a comprehensive plan so that the individual meets their goals and is successful in their efforts to transition.



AAHAA Sober Living

Administration of Children and Families, Office of Child Support Enforcement

Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance

Boy Scouts

Columbia Legal Services

Crisis Clinic

Domestic Abuse Women’s Network

DSHS, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation

DSHS, Economic Services Administration, Community Services Division

DSHS, Economic Services Administration, Division of Child Support

DSHS, Juvenile Rehabilitation Administration

Employment Security Division

Federal Bureau of Prison

Formerly Incarcerated Group Healing Together

Girl Scouts

Goodwill Industries

King County Community and Human Services

King County Community Corrections Division

King County Department of Adult and Juvenile Detention

King County Prosecuting Attorney Office, Family Support Division

Metropolitan Improvement District


Northwest Justice Project

Pioneer Human Services

Re-Entry Corps

Seattle Catholic Archdiocese

Seattle Housing Authority

Seattle Indian Health Board

Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission, Open Door Legal Services

South Seattle College

St. Vincent de Paul

Tzu Chi Foundation

US Probation and Pretrial Services

Valley Cities Counseling & Consultation

Washington State Department of Corrections


June 2016



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